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        彭州市灵海气模制造厂(原成都市灵海气模制造厂)是中国专业从事大型充气广模型告产品、帐篷 、广告伞的生产企业。主要产品有拱门气模、立柱气模、卡通气模、文字气模、肖像气模、瓶形气模、庆典气模以及其它造型定制气模。我厂集气模设计、生产、销售、服务于一体,自1999年成立以来,灵海气模规模不断壮大,并拥有一批专业的气模技术人员,所设计的气模产品和做工水平在全国堪称一流!我厂于2010年自购厂房一栋,气模生产能力及规模更是上了一个新台阶! 
        灵海气模始终坚持高质量标准,并看准市场需求,开发出一系列新颖气模品,于 2006年取得“全国行业质量诚信示范企业”证书,产品远销日本、缅甸、阿拉伯及全国各个省市。近年来为九九红塔山世纪婚典、九九泸州名酒节、九九金牛市场之夏、全国糖酒会、首届红原牦牛节、九寨黄龙机场试飞(及启用)仪式、西岭雪山“首届南国冰雪节”、金牛区第三届(及第四届)运动会、 2004中国国际美食节、第六届中国花博会奠基仪式、达渝高速通车庆典、广巴高速开工仪式、雅砻江一级电站开工仪式、第十一届中国广告节……等大型庆典活动提供了新颖的气模及优质的服务。
  灵海近年来为成都野生世界、重庆野生动物世界、五粮液集团、日本晓龙、缅甸仰光、阿拉伯撒可富、茅台集团、蓝剑集团、渔樵集团、红星集团、太子奶集团、长虹集团、重啤集团、格力集团、 LG 、肯德基、全友家私、双虎家私、伊莱克斯、中国移动、安利、康师傅、蒙牛、云南欧亚、贵州仁怀市委、五粮醇、国粹酒业、红牛饮料、金星啤酒等企业制作了各种形式的广告气模,并得到各企业的充分肯定和好评!

        The Pengzhou  Linghai inflatable product Inc., China is the company that is specialized in the large-scale air model advertising products, tent, and the advertising umbrellas. Our company integrated design, production, marketing and service. Since its establishment in 1999, the scale and size of company is increasing. Meanwhile, the company has one group of professional and technical personnel. And the quality of designed product is recognized as the national first class.
        Linghai adheres to high standard of products and strives to meet the demand of customers. Thus, Linghai developed a series of innovative products. In 2006, Linghai is awarded "good quality national industry model enterprise" certificate and products are sold to distant places such as Japan , Myanmar , and Arabic nations and various provinces and cities nationwide. In the recent years, our excellent products are adopted in Hongtashan century Hundian, Luzhou famous liquor99 Festival, the marketing summer of Golden Bull, the National Sweet and Liquor fair, first red yak Festival, Jiuzhai Huanglong Airport flight (and opening) ceremony, Xiling Snow Mountain, "the first snow festival," and third (and fourth) Games of Golden bull district, the 2004 China International Food Festival, stone-laying ceremony for the Sixth China Flower Expo, the opening ceremony of Chongqing high-speed, high way bus ceremony, the starting ceremony of Yalongjiang 1st level power station, and the 11th China Advertising Festival. 
       In recent years. Linghai has provided quality air models to Chengdu wild world, Chongqing Wildlife World, Wu liangye liquor group, Japan Xiaolong, Myanmar Yangon, Elabaisa may Fu, Maotai Group, the Blue Sword Group, Yue Zheng groups, pop groups, Prince Edward milk groups, Changhong Group, the original group, Green Group, LG, KFC, Quanyou furniture, double tiger furniture, Elextroux, China Mobile, Amway, Kangshifu, Mengniu, Yunnan Europe and Asia enterprise, Guizhou Renhuai municipality, Wu Liangye alcohol, national essence enterprise, Red Bull drink, Jingxing beer and other enterprises. As a result, Linghai received full approval and praise.
       Linghai air model company believes in "quality is the key to survive, credibility is the key to develop", we would like to strive for the best management; First-class products; First-class quality; First-class services and innovations, forge ahead with our dear customers and reach for a better tomorrow!
       Philosophy of enterprise: endless pursuit !